News and Views from the Oshika Gang

Just another site

Mommy Monday August 29, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — oshikagang @ 4:39 am

I really enjoy meeting up with the mommies on Mondays. In fact, I enjoy it more than the formal Mommy Group where we all first met. It’s more conversational and relaxed, and you start to form real friendships rather than just acquaintanceships. I also believe that Aili is starting to really recognize the babies that we see so often!

Look! Rhys found a baby!

Jacquie and Sophie. Sophie is 6 days older than Aili….

… so you get 18 months’ worth of brains when you put their heads together.

Left alone to figure out the buttons all by herself.

Time out for a quick thumb reunion.

Rhys decided to use Sophie as a hurdle. She seems a bit confused:

Two heads are better than one, they say…


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